Regate Effective SFA Demo

by Regate SA



Mobile CRM | Sales Force Automation | Mobile Sales | Field Service | Regate

Regate Effective is a mobile platform that helps everyday business tasks of mobile workforces, including field sales, van drivers performing sales, merchandizers, field technicians and others. Regate Effective provides a set of tools both for the mobile teams as well as the management teams. Mobile teams (salesforce, merchandizers, field technicians, van drivers, etc) can work either with an Android smartphone or tablet. Management teams can have live access to the data collected by the mobile teams, either online via an HTML5 web interface or offline on a local client to their mobile device. Regate Effective drastically automates the everyday business tasks of sales and accounting departments, including order processing, contact management, van invoicing, information sharing, inventory monitoring and control, order tracking, customer management, collections, merchandizing, sales forecast analysis and salesman performance evaluation.Ultimately Regate Effective is the tool to be trusted by end customers, partners and below-the-line marketing agencies, in order to automate tasks and provide better customer experience and lower costs.Updated libraries